Appendix A - Books Sample Database

The sample database BOOKS is an international retail distribution database.  It is concise in scope and conceptually easy to grasp.  BOOKS serves as the foundation for much of ACCENT R documentation and training materials.  The sample database BOOKS can be initialized on any database server or file system supported by ACCENT R Open SQL.

The Data Structure Diagram on the following page describes the design of the database.  Each table definition is stored in a central application repository called the DBL (Database Library).  These logical table definitions are physically stored in the DBL object type SD (Schema Definition).  Each SD contains column (field) definitions, print pictures, referential integrity checks, etc., and is associated with a DS (Data Set).  Please notice that the diagram also shows the column which uniquely identifies each row in the table, how tables are joined together, and their relationship (i.e. one to one, one to many).

Contact your Application Manager or see the ACCENT R VAX/VMS Installation Guide for more information.

Syntax Summary    Appendix B