Purpose: As you log into Oracle, you must specify the name of the database that you want to use with the USE ORACLE SERVER command. This can only be done from the ACCENT R ICL level or from a CM (Command Module). After a valid password is entered, ACCENT R will connect to the Oracle Server. The terms Oracle Server and Oracle database are used interchangeably in this manual.
USE ORACLE SERVER /AS/ user_name [PASSWORD/IS/ password]
is the name of the Oracle database that you want to use. You must have been assigned permission to use the database by the System Administrator. The name of this user will be stored in the system field @ORACLE_USER. The user_name requires quotes if it contains characters not allowed in an ACCENT R name. Connections to other nodes are allowed by specifying the user_name and node_name in a string literal with the form: "USERNAME$NODENAME" |
is the user password. Including the password when specifying the database provides faster access because password prompts are skipped. The password prompts hide the password when it is entered. If the current user_name is used, no password is needed. |
The command above declares WAGNER to be the current working database.
NOTES: When the COMMAND AREA TRACE is ENABLEd, ACCENT R will display what is being passed to the Oracle server when USE ORACLE is being executed.