SELECTION Statement in form layouts

SELECTION specifies the rendition for the selection indicator.  The selection indicator shows the field on which the cursor is positioned.  The area being highlighted starts from the row and column position specified in the FIELD statement.  The width specified in FIELD defines the number of columns to be highlighted.


/SELECTION rendition


specifies the video attributes for the field where the cursor is positioned.  More than one video attribute may be specified by separating the attributes with plus signs.


The valid video attributes are:

  • @NORMAL specifies normal video attribute.  [default setting]
  • @BLINK specifies blinking video attribute.
  • @BOLD specifies bold face video attribute.
  • @REVERSE specifies reverse video attribute.
  • @UNDERLINE specifies underlining video attribute.



This statement specifies when the cursor is pointing to a data entry item, the rendition of the field will be highlighted by blinking and reverse video attributes.

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