PURPOSE: CALENDAR is an equated command that provides on-screen monthly and daily calendars. This command is not only useful in clarifying dates but can also be used as an on-line daily planner. The monthly calendar appears first, defaulting to the current month. The commands available for the monthly calendar are:
N - go to the next month
P - back-up to the prior month
Arrow keys - move cursor around from date to date
RETURN - go to the daily planner (date depends on cursor location)
<PF3> - exit calendar
other keys - ignored
The daily calendar lists: date, user name, hours (7 AM to 6 PM). There is space provided for general notes and appointments per hour. The command menu for the daily calendar includes:
NEXT DAY - go to next day
PRIOR DAY - go to day before current day
CHANGE SCHEDULE - clears date information and allows editing
<PF1> - finish editing/return to daily calendar command menu
SAVE SCHEDULE - saves changes made (after exiting edit)
EXIT - return to monthly calendar
NOTES: The daily calendar command menu does a character search which allows the selection of commands by entering the first letter.
The calendar file resides in the Data Set (DS) called ACCCAL_NOTES. A logical must be assigned to ACCCAL_NOTES to provide a device to store the notes. This should be done in the login command file to avoid making the assignment every session.