Queue Trace

PURPOSE:  The QUEUE TRACE option controls whether the DS requests being generated by the user’s program are tracked and the corresponding messages displaying at the terminal.




turns on trace mode for DS’s for which there are queues.  It also causes messages to display at the terminal each time the user’s program generates a request for the DS.


turns off the tracing facility and message displaying.  This is the default state.


specifies a condition for the option to be enabled or disabled.



NOTES:  The messages generated by ENABLE QUEUE TRACE are as follows:

(1) Queuing {N}

(2) Queue request blocked - resource not available

(3) Queue request unblocked - request satisfied

(4) Dequeuing {N}

(5) Queue request aborted

(6) Queue request timed out

Key: {N} = Data Set name

Message (1) is displayed when a program that specifies the Concurrent Queued or Exclusive Queued environment requests a DS and the DS is opened and queued.

Message (2) is displayed immediately after Message (1) if the request for a DS cannot be granted at present because the DS is being used.

Message (3) is displayed when the user’s request for a DS is granted. 

Message (4) is displayed when the user’s program releases a DS.

Message (5) is displayed when the user aborts out of a program by typing a Control-C while queued for a DS or record.

Message (6) is displayed when the waiting time for a busy DS or record exceeds @DS_WAIT seconds or @RECORD_WAIT seconds, respectively.  If the current program is queued for a DS, it will abort; if it is queued for a record, a time interrupt will occur and @AUX will be set to "BUSY."

The messages provided by the QUEUE TRACE option are a subset of those provided by the QUEUE DEBUG option (described earlier).  QUEUE TRACE traces only DS access attempts, whereas QUEUE DEBUG traces both DS and record access attempts.

SEE ALSO:  QUEUE DEBUG (earlier in this chapter).