File Names and Descriptions
ACCENT R Installation Procedure
1. Prepare for Installation of ACCENT R
2. Using VMSINSTAL to Install ACCENT R
3. Install the ACCENT R Executable (if not done through VMSINSTAL)
4. Define the Logical Name for ACCENT R
5. Define the Global Symbol to Invoke ACCENT R
6. Add KITINSTAL Generated .COM Files
Appendix A Equated Commands
1. Storing User Defined Equated Commands
2. Equated Commands for the ACCENT R Utilities
3. Equated Commands for the ACCENT R 4th Generation Tools
4. Equated Commands for the Open SQLgatewayAppendix B ACCENT R System-Wide Settings
1. Displaying Current System-Wide Parameters
2. Changing System-Wide ParametersAppendix C ACCENT R KITINSTAL Messages
Appendix D Supplemental Installation Procedure
Appendix E Supplemental Instructions for User Limited Licenses
Appendix F Using the BOOKS Sample Database